Energizing communities — today, tomorrow and beyond

For well over a century, waterpower has fuelled the growth of our communities. We aim to ensure that your local dam continues to play a vital role in community life for generations to come.
Women standing back to the camera in a swim suit, walking into water

Our dams have been the foundation of our communities for over 150 years, powering their early settlement and bringing economic prosperity.

Today, they remain the prime source for a local clean energy supply. But that’s only half the story — our people and facilities play an essential part in preserving and enhancing quality of life in our towns and places.
Powering local life with 24/7 clean energy

We provide affordable and reliable clean power that fuels local quality of life while helping businesses to save money and meet green energy goals.

Managing our rivers, lakes and reservoirs 

We care for the waters entrusted to us, recognizing their critical importance to our communities and role in creating unforgettable experiences through fishing, boating, swimming, and sheer scenic beauty.

Creating local jobs and futures 

As well as being significant employers, our plants power local economies. Our waters support related businesses like ecotourism, fishing, and boating.

Keeping people, property and wildlife safe  

Day and night, our dedicated teams expertly monitor water levels and stand ready to protect their communities from the impact of too much, or too little, water.

Promoting healthy ecosystems 

We help nature stay healthy by safeguarding water quality and supporting biodiversity in and around our facilities. We balance the needs of humanity and the environment. 

Preserving our history  

In revitalizing these historic buildings, we are stewards of living museums — preserving the essence of communities' past, creating memories for the present, and crafting a future rooted in history.